“Quantum technologies will  enable more energy efficient photonic systems for a sustainable society”          


o May 23d, Opening Plenary Speaker, Munich, Germany, International Meet on Condensed Matter Physics (CMPMEET2022) 

o April 21 st, Plenary Speaker, Porto, Portugal, Laser Optics and Photonics World Forum, “Novel VCSEL Designs for next generation of photonics systems”


o Dec. 5 th, Keynote talk, 2021 Annual Meeting of the Global Science and Technology Innovation Forum Haikou City, Hainan Province, China“Green Data Com and Novel Surface Emitting Lasers”,  

o Nov. 13 th, Plenary Speaker, Naples, Italy, Lasers, Optics and Phtonics 2021, “Green Data Com and Novel Surface Emitting Lasers”

o Nov. 10 th, Plenary Speaker and Honorary Chair, Xi’an, China, Intern. Congress on Optics, Electronics and Optoeletronics 2021, ICOEO

o Nov. 1 st, Invited Talk given by G. Larisch, Nice, France, International Meet and Expo on Lasers, Optics and Photonics, Opticsmeet2021, “Surface Emitting Lasers for Green Data Com and Internet”

o Nov. 1 st, Plenary Speaker, Nice, France, International Meet and Expo on Lasers, Optics and Photonics, Opticsmeet2021, “Green Data Com: Intelligent physics can contribute to a sustainable society”

o Oct. 20 th,  Plenary talk, Brno Czech Republic,  NANOCON 20, “Novel Quantum Dot Based Memories with Many Days of Storage Time: The Last Steps towards the Holy Grail”

Oct 4 th, Invited Speaker, Tbilis, Georgia, 6 th Intern. Conf on Nanotechnology, GTU Nano2021

Sept. 27 th, Keynote Speaker, 3d Virtual Congress on Materaisl Science and Technology, “Quantum Dots for Quantum Technologies”

 o Sept. 26 th, Plenary Speaker, Shizuoka, Japan, 26 th Microoptics Conference (MOC2021), “Novel VCSEL Designs for the next generation of photonic systems”

o Sept. 16 th, Plenary Speaker, Porto, Portugal, International Meet and Expo on Semiconductors, Optoelectronics and Nanostructures, Semiconmeet2021, “Brake-Throughs in Surface Emitting Lasers for Green Data Com and Internet” 

August 26 th, Keynote talk, Dalian, China, 10th Annual Congress of Nano Science and Technology-2021 (Nano S&T-2021), “Energy-Efficient Future Data Communication: Novel Adaptive Designs for VCSELs and Modules”

July 30th, Keynote Lecture, Kunming, China, World Conference on Nanotechnology and Materials (WCNM-2021), “Quantum Dots for Quantum Technologies” 


o July 23d, Keynote talk, Xi’an, China, CIOP 2021, “Brake-Throughs in Surface Emitting Lasers for Green Data Com and Internet” given by Prof. Tian

o June 6 th, Invited Speaker, San Francisco, USA, Panel 6 (Advanced Laser Technologies in Post-100 Gbaud Era) of OFC, Advanced Energy-Efficient VCSEL Designs for Large Data Rates”

o Mai 20th, Keynote Lecture, Kunming, China, World Congress on Nanotechnology and Materials (WCNM-2021), “Quantum Dots for Quantum Technologies 

April 13th, Plenary, 7 th Global Summit & Expo on Laser Optics and Photonics, Budapest, Hungary, “Quantum Dots for Quantum Technologies”

o April 12 th, Plenary, Global Summit and Expo Nanomaterials (GSENN-2021), “Novel Quantum Dot Based Memories with Many Days of Storage Time: The Last Steps towards the Holy Grail”

o March 29 th, Keynote Lecture, 2 nd Virtual Congress on Materials Science and Engineering, “Quantum Dots for Quantum Technologies” 

Feb. 11 th,  Keynote Lecture "Energy Efficient Multi Terabit Photonics: Quantum Dots at Work", Photoptics 2021, Vienna, Austria


o Dec. 10 th , invited, 28th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM28), “Structural and compositional analysis of (InGa)(AsSb)/GaAs/GaP Stranski-Krastanov quantum dots”

o Nov. 19 th, Opening remarks as the Co-president of the “International Nanotech Innovation Alliance”, Nanjing Nano Tech Institute

o   Nov. 9 th, Keynote opening talk, Virtual Congress on Materials Science & Engineering “Novel Quantum Dot Based Memories with Many Days of Storage Time: The Last Steps towards the Holy Grail”


o   Nov 4 th, Opening speech, Chengdu, Intern. Congress on Optics, Electronics and Optoeletronics 2020, ICOEO


o   Nov 4 th, Plenary talk, Chengdu, Intern. Congress on Optics, Electronics and Optoeletronics 2020, ICOEO, „Diversity in  VCSEL development for green optical links : Data Com vs. LIDAR"


o   Sept. 7 th, Keynote talk, Optoelectronics Global Conference, Shenzhen, “Green Internet and Data Com”


o   July 24 th, Keynote iCANX Talk, 60 th birthday of Lasers, “Green Internet, Data and Automobile Communication”, 356650 audiences worldwide


o   July 20 th, Invited Talk, ITCON, Bari, Italy, “Single Mode VCSELs for Long and Short Reach Applications using Graded Index Single-Mode Fibers", Invited Talk given by G. Larisch


o   May 18 th, qd2020, Munich, given by E. Sala “Structural, optical and electronic properties of (InGa)(AsSb)/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) on GaP (001)”


o   March 17 th, Plenary Lecture, 90 th birthday memorial conference of the Nobel Laureate, Zh. I. ALferov, “From Quantum Dots to Quantum Technologies: A Success Story of German-Russian Scientific Cooperation and Friendship”


o   March 17 th, Annual Meeting of the German Physical Society, Dresden, given by P. Klenovsky, “Electronic Structure of (InGa)(AsSb)/GaAs/GaP quantum dots”


o   March 16 th, Plenary Talk, Annual Meeting of the German Physical Society, Dresden, “Quantum dots: Fundamentals and Applications”


o   Feb.2 nd, Invited talk, Photonics West, San Francisco, given by G. Larisch, “Bit-rate dependent optimization of VCSEL parameters”


o   Feb. 1 st, Photonics West, San Francisco, “FOV Control of Segmented NIR VCSEL Arrays for Next-Generation Flash LIDARs” given by P. Babu Dayal 


o   Dec. 15 th, Poetek , Liaocheng, “Cutting surface emitter characterisation times by orders of magnitude using the new CIOMP equipment”, Invited Talk presented by D. Bimberg  

o   Dec. 14 th, Liaocheng University, “Energy Efficient Multi Terabit Photonics: Quantum Dots at Work” , Invited Talk presented by D. Bimberg  

o   Nov. 15 th, Northwestern Polytech. University, Xi’an, “Green Photonics”, Invited Talk presented by D. Bimberg  

o   Nov. 11 th-14 th, inv. Presentation, Photonics and Optoelectronics. Meeting, POEM, Wuhan, A. Liu and D. Bimberg, “Fabrication of subwavelength grating based on GaAs/Oxide layers”   

o   Nov. 12 th, Sino-Semiconductors, Taizhou, "HIBBEE lasers", Invited Talk presented by D. Bimberg  

o   Oct 28 th, NVMT Congress, Durham, N.C., “Quantum Dot Based Flash Memories: the Holy Grail of Memories?", Invited Talk presented by D. Bimberg  

o   Oct 20 th – 22 nd, The 9 th Nano Science and Technology-2019 (Nano S&T-2019), Suzhou, " High power continuous wave operation of 1.3-μm quantum-dot photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers", Invited Talk given by S. C. Tian  

o   Oct 22 nd, Nanjing, NTIAC,  “Green Data Communication”, Plenary talk given by D. Bimberg  

o   Oct 20 th - 22 th, 9 th Annual World Congress Nano Science and Technology, Suzhou,  Nano Science and Technology, Suzhou, Keynote Talk presented by D. Bimberg  

o   August 7 th - 10 th, The 11th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2019), Xi'an, "Photon Lifetime Reduction of VCSEL Energy Consumption", Invited Talk given by G. Larisch  

o   August 7 th - 10 th, The 11th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2019), Xi'an, "High power continuous wave operation of 1.3 µm quantum dot PCSEL", Invited Talk given by S. Tian  

o   July 27th, Huawei Shenzhen, "Quantum Dot Based Flash Memories",  Invited Talk presented by D. Bimberg  

o   July 26th, iNOW Songshan Lake, "VCSELs and Green Data Com",  Keynote Talk presented by D. Bimberg  

o   July 21st, iNOW Guangzhou,Keynote Speaker,  "Energy Efficient Multi Terabit Photonics: Quantum Dots at Work" presented by D. Bimberg  

o   July 10th, UK Semiconductors 2019, Sheffield, “(InGa)(AsSb)quantum dots on GaP(001) substrates: Effects of quantum confinement on electronic states”presented by P. Klenovsky  

o   July 7th, ITCON 2019, Angers France, “Reducing the power consumption of optical links in hyper data centers”, Invited Talk presented by G. Larisch  

o   May 19th - 23th, Compound Semiconductor Week 2019, Nara Japan, “InAs/InP QD and InGaAsP/InP QW comb lasers for > 1 Tb/s transmission”presented by M. Zander  

o   May 18th, UCAS Beijing, “Energy efficient, large bit-rate VCSELs for Wavelength Division Multiplexing”, Invited Talk presented by G. Larisch  

o   May 15th, Huawei Strategy and Technology Workshop 2019, Shenzhen, “Novel Quantum Dot Based Memories: The Last Steps Towards the Holy Grail”, Keynote Talk presented by D. Bimberg  

o   May 15th. Huawei Strategy and Technology Workshop 2019, Shenzhen, “Mode-Locked Quantum Dot Lasers for Multi Terabit Data Communication”, Keynote Talk presented by D. Bimberg  

o   March 27th, Global Congress on Advancements of Laser, Optics and Photonics, Valencia, Spain: “Energy Efficient, large bit-rate VCSELs for Wavelength Division Mutliplexing”, Keynote Talk presented by G. Larisch   

o   March 26th, Global Congress on Advancements of Laser, Optics and Photonics, Valencia, Spain: “Quantum Dots for Flying q-bits and Green Photonics”, Keynote Talk presented by D. Bimberg  

o   March 20th, German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Regensburg,“Influence of lattice mismatch on direct and indirect electronic states in InGaAsSb quantum dots grown on GaP or GaAs”, presented by P. Klenovsky  

o   Feb 20th, Physical Society of Berlin, “Nanophotonics for an energy-efficient Internet”, Plenary Talk presented by D. Bimberg  

o   Feb 14th, 12th Annual Meeting on Photonic Devices Berlin Konrad-Zuse Institute, Berlin, „Photon Lifetime Modelling in VCSELs: A tool for increasing energy efficiency and achieving ultra-high bit rate“, Invited Talk presented by G. Larisch  

o   Feb 14th, 12th Annual Meeting on Photonic Devices, Berlin Konrad-Zuse Institute, Berlin, „Quantum-Dot Mode-Locked Lasers: One device for Multi-Terabit Transmission", Invited Talk presented by D. Bimberg 


o   Nov 26th-28th, Delegate at the 10 thInternational Forum of NGOs in partnership with UNESCO and Russian Academy of Sciences, D. Bimberg


o   Nov 16th, 2 Plenary talks Everbright, Souzhou


o   Nov 14th, Plenary talk at 15 thOptics Valley of China Exposition, Wuhan 


o   Nov 10th-14th, 3 Plenary talks at Huawei Shenzhen


o   Nov. 9th, 2 Plenary talks at “Sanan” in Xia’men


o   Oct  24th, 8 thAnnual World Congress of Nano Science and Technology Potsdam, Germany, Keynote Talk presented by D. Bimberg


o   Oct. 11th, Asia Photonics 2018, Beijing, presented by Anjin Liu


o   Oct 1st, NANOP 2018, Rome, Plenary Talk presented by D. Bimberg


o   Sept. 25th, IPC, Raston, Invited Talk presented by F. Grillot


o   Sept. 18th, EWSL, Bari, “Energy-efficient VCSELs for 200+ Gb/s optical  Interconnects”, presented by G. Larisch 


o   July 16th - 18th, Light 2018, Changchun, Keynote Talk presented by D. Bimberg


o   July, CIOP 2018, Beijing, “Nanophotonics for a Green Internet”, Plenary Talk presented by D. Bimberg


o   June 26th, 26th International Symposium Nanostructures: Physics and Technology at Minsk, Belorussia, Invited Talk presented by F. Grillot


o   June 25th, 26th International Symposium Nanostructures: Physics and Technology at Minsk, Belorussia, Invited Talk presented by J.A.Lott


o   June 14th, Laser and Photonics 18, Rome, Plenary Talk presented by D. Bimberg


o   May 10th, ETCMOS, Whistler Canada, Invited Talk presented by Prof. J.A.Lott


o   May 9th , Masaryk Univ Brno, Tschech Republic, Invited Talk presented by D. Bimberg


o   April 23th , ITNT 2018, Samara Russia, Plenary Opening Talk presented by D. Bimberg


o   April 16th - 20th, EE and Science faculties of NANYANG Uni Singapore, 3 Invited Talks presented by D. Bimberg 
